Let us pray: Heavenly Father, you are the fountain of love, compassion and mercy. If you can forgive your people with all our trespasses, why is it so difficult for us to forgive a relative or a friend? I bow to you Lord and ask for your forgiveness for my stubbornness. I lift up to you all my worries and take away these hatred I am feeling right now. Help me remember how loving and merciful you are. Open my eyes and heart and teach me to accept people the way they are. Grant me the peace so that I can live in harmony with my fellow instead of enemies. I ask these through Christ our Lord, Amen
“The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy.” (Psalms 145:8)
Let us pray: Heavenly Father, you are the fountain of love, compassion and mercy. If you can forgive your people with all our trespasses, why is it so difficult for us to forgive a relative or a friend? I bow to you Lord and ask for your forgiveness for my stubbornness. I lift up to you all my worries and take away these hatred I am feeling right now. Help me remember how loving and merciful you are. Open my eyes and heart and teach me to accept people the way they are. Grant me the peace so that I can live in harmony with my fellow instead of enemies. I ask these through Christ our Lord, Amen
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